envelope, Tel Aviv (sent from Switzerland)
Today's heart has a remarkable story: My grandmother in Switzerland has a Togolese, Evangelist caretaker named Dorcas, who studied theology, visited Israel, and feels strongly about the country. In gratitude for her work, my grandmother requested that I purchase an Israeli flag and send it to her to give to Dorcas.
Here in Israel, there is a tiny shop near my home which is run by a holocaust survivor (I know this because I have seen the numbers tattooed on her arm). I try and give this woman my business as often as I can, so when asked to buy a flag I went to her shop. I was thrilled she had flags, and she was thrilled when I told her the flag was going to Switzerland.
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. I couldn't believe that of all days I received Dorcas' thank you letter with a coincidental heart on the envelope.
This heart sends a message that the Israeli flag ensures that we will never forget!
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved