Sunday, May 31, 2009

88. Tel Aviv's Life-Source

some sort of pipe, Tel Aviv
Pipes in the city remind me of veins in the human body - what runs through them seems to be the life-source. For that reason I was genuinely curious what was being pumped through this pipe. I looked up close, and even asked a friend, but still can't give you the answer. Though my guess is water, I could be wrong.
So it remains a mystery, but something which this heart loves is flowing through the pipes of Tel Aviv.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, May 30, 2009

87. The Land of Oz Meets Tel Aviv

gold glitter heart wand, Tel Aviv
Nearly every morning I want to photograph this heart-shaped wand, but the window is always open, and the woman living in the flat is always standing there. Though this wand lives in the north of the city, the woman is certainly not Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, and in Tel Aviv I am more likely to meet the Wicked Witch of the West should I try and take a picture of her at 6 AM.
This afternoon as Hugo and I followed the grey brick road I was ecstatic to find the window closed. I felt like the lion when I mustered up my courage and snapped the shot. No monkeys flew by, and like the tin man I got a heart!
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 29, 2009

86. Surprise

microphone, recording studio, Arad
These hearts are part of a surprise in the making....for that reason, I will fill in the blanks in a few days...What I will say is that they were especially fun to find, and I don't think it was a coincidence that I found hearts that linked together.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 28, 2009

85. Shavuot - Yum!

cheesecake, Raanana

While Danielle sent these decadent beauties to me a few days ago, I wanted them to be served to you on Shavuot, which begins this evening.
These hearts prove that good things come to those who wait. Enjoy your cheesecake and Happy Shavuot!
Danielle's heart wants you to help many causes by simply clicking your mouse (see entry May 14, 2009)
*Content © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

84. Heart Institute

sign, Heart Institute, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Ramat Gan
My dear friend Ari has been somewhat confused by my levavot blog for quite a while. As a psychiatrist he likes for things to make sense, and well, this project is completely from the heart - one must feel it to have it make any sense.
I love that Ari stretched from his familiar ground and allowed himself to play in the land of levavot! This heart proves that a heart can have fun just about anywhere.
Ari's heart would love for others to support brain research to fight disease
*Content © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

83. Misunderstood

detail from an Art Therapist's creation, acrylic on wood,
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Jodi is an extremely spiritual and creative Art Therapist. Today, she provided me with these hearts which she created in response to a session she had with a family.
These hearts were a mother's way of creating x's and o's, standing for hugs and kisses, but were misinterpreted by her child as crossed out hearts.
These hearts have a powerful message: Communication is key when it comes to love.
Jodi's heart would love for others to help with foster care
*Content © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 25, 2009

82. Temporary

temporary tattoo, Modiin
When we are young the stories we are told teach us that most things have a beginning, a middle, and an end. That being said, those things we love, even if temporary, can stay with us for a long long time - The End.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 24, 2009

81. Shock

paint on tree, Tel Aviv
This tree looks to be wearing an expression of shock. I wonder which came first: the heart, or the expression?
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, May 23, 2009

80. Opposites Attract

tree, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv
On Shabbat (the Jewish day of rest), Rothschild Boulevard is filled with people and dogs of all shapes, size, color, and style.
Today, as Relly, Asi and I sat on a bench enjoying the eye candy, I suddenly spotted these two hearts on the tree across from us. In this heart shaped couple one looks like an extrovert and the other an introvert - opposites attract, and these two look happy in love.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 22, 2009

79. Sensual

anthurium, Tel Aviv
This anthurium is in its prime!
For more on sex education and sexuality
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 21, 2009

78. Feeling High when Grounded

bird foot prints in sand, Tel Aviv Beach
Though I was already at the beach by 6:30 this morning, I was no match for the early bird - I missed the creation of this masterpiece. I wonder whether it was created alone or in a pair?
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

77. Love Seat

metal bench, Tel Aviv
These sweet, romantic hearts are doing their best to invite us to sit. Why are they alone?
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

76. Wishing Daniella a Year Filled with Love

birthday candles, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Were it not for Daniella's birthday Yona would not have organized to bring a cake, and Shira would not have brought the candles. So, three wonderful women bring us today's hearts.
When something really touches our hearts it is forever. With that in mind:
Shira's heart cares about Hostel Nathan (see entry March 31, 2009)
Daniella's heart cares about Yuvalim (see entry March 19, 2009)
Yona, who has not appeared in this blog before is an inspiring 61 year old woman - I hope to be half as sexy and feminine as she is when I get to her age. As a psychotherapist and sex councelor she tells me that her heart is connected to helping people with special needs
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 18, 2009

75. From Switzerland with Love

tissue, locket, sticker, package received from Switzerland, Tel Aviv
My appreciation for art in large comes from my grandmother, who in her youth studied the fine arts in Fribourg, Switzerland. As a technically brilliant artist, I can only imagine the frustration she endures as her hands begin to tremble from old age. However, as a true artist, her creative mind continues to serve her.
These hearts I received from my grandmother today reflect the creativity with which she continues to express herself - I love that!
My grandmother's heart cares about helping abused children:
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 17, 2009

74. Save This Tree - Sign the Petition Now!!!

tree bark, Tel Aviv
This tree and its tribe sitting along Ibn Gvirol street in North Tel Aviv are in desperate need of your help!
Due to reconstruction being done in the area the trees are potentially going to be torn down at any moment. You can help stop this and preserve the little bit of green on the city street by signing the petition
The heart on this tree thanks you!
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, May 16, 2009

73. Clean and Conserve

drawing on dirty car window, Tel Aviv
After a long hot day at the beach I passed this car...on the same street a bit further along I saw a man washing his car in the old fashioned way - a bucket with water and a rag.
This heart reminds us that we must clean up the filth in our lives, but that in Israel we must consider the water we waste.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 15, 2009

72. Together

pendant, Rishon Letzion
The more I get to know Anat the more I learn how much she values family and togetherness. As a coordinator for children with special needs she takes on the difficult task of ensuring that everything is kept together in their program. Between moments of being on the go she will share stories of her family, which she carries with her symbolically around her neck in the heart pictured here.
Togetherness is clearly fundamental to this heart. After nearly a year of working with Anat, I have learned a tremendous amount about togetherness, and am very grateful for the experience.
Anat's heart cares about helping youth in distress, and would love for others to contibute to ELEM
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 14, 2009

71. Overcoming Rejection

advertisement, bus stop, Ezorei Chen, North Tel Aviv

This advertisments for Israeli almonds seems to be everywhere. Should you miss it once, a few meters away you will have the opportunity to see it again.

This morning I had my first rejection for a heart. I asked someone to photograph a heart they were wearing and I was turned down. Then, as though she knew I needed a pick me up, my wonderful friend Danielle surprised me with this picture she took this morning - Thank you!

This heart proves that opportunities, like this ad, are everywhere and we cannot let rejections keep us down!

It is so appropriate that Danielle's heart links us to many causes - I love that about her and this site
*Content © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

70. Wounded Heart

anthurium, Tel Aviv
Anthuriums in their prime resemble erotic hearts. I feel for this wounded and suffering heart.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

69. Baggage

bag, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan
The hearts on this bag remind us that no matter where we go we take our baggage with us. That being said, these hearts sitting in a university classroom crave to learn and move forward.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 11, 2009

68. Burning up for your Love

toasted marshmellow, Modiin
In the spirit of the holiday Lag BaOmer, children with PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder) begin their day on a mat, eating falafel and singing songs. It was no surprise to me that when Shira, the national service volunteer toasted marshmellows for the children, she created a heart.
I have known Shira for nearly a year, and am constantly amazed by her never ending patience with the children. This heart proves that Shira's contribution to these children's lives is made with pure love!
Shira's heart would love for others to contribute to helping animals in need
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 10, 2009

67. Lovers in the Bunch

strawberry, Tel Aviv

These two seem to be blushing as they are caught on camera - how sweet love is!

*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, May 9, 2009

66. Trashy Love

garbage can, Tel Aviv

Seeing snow in Tel Aviv at this time of year is about as unusual as finding love in the garbage - apparently both are possible.
This heart reminds us that one person's trash is another person's treasure.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 8, 2009

65. Better to have Loved and Lost than Never to Have Loved at All

gathered dirt on pavement, Tel Aviv
In order to fall in love we must get 'dirty'. The hole in this heart is the only spot which has not gotten dirty.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 7, 2009

64. Safe

print in cement, Tel Aviv

This heart came so close to being walked on by the shoe print beside it.

*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

63. Playful Heart

playmobil, Modiin
I feel incredibly fortunte to have Yifat in my life. She is an extremely professional and dedicated child clinical psychologist who is filled with what seems like endless insight. Today she brought this heart-shaped balloon to assist in a therapeutic play group for children with PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder). I think this heart received as much love as it gave.
Yifat's heart would love for others to contribute to Schneider Children's Medical Center in helping children with heart disease

*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

62. Overprotective

barbed wire, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan
This poor heart is clearly overprotected. I wish it would let go of fear and let love in.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 4, 2009

61. Informative Heart

graffiti, Modiin
Between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem lies the city of Modiin, which in Hebrew means information.
This heart informs us of Romi and Miri's love for one another, including the date.
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 3, 2009

60. Theta Healing

paint on cement, Tel Aviv
Amongst the hustle and bustle of Tel Aviv, this heart looks to me to be well taken care of - embraced by parenthesis and resting on a clean surface. I had a similar experience today at my friend Megi's, when she practiced Theta Healing on me - I highly recommend it!
Megi's heart would like others to help children with cancer
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, May 2, 2009

59. Old Love

stone, archaeological ruins, Caesarea
This heart has been around since 22 BC!
*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 1, 2009

58. Love Yourself

metal handle and its shadow on cement, construction site, Tel Aviv
Learning to love yourself sometimes takes alot of construction and reconstruction, but in the end is worth the effort. If you do not see the love you possess how will anyone else?
This heart recognizes that its other half is made up of itself. Once complete, it is ready to love and be loved.

*Content and photo © Nomi Helene 2009. All Rights Reserved